Monthly Archives: April 2012

What Goes Around, Comes Around


My choice of heading for this week’s blog isn’t the least bit vindictive. I’m not telling you that justice has been served or that you got what you deserved. My intent is to take you through a brief history of a tomato’s journey from farm to market.

Before the invention of refrigeration, farmers transported crops by horse and wagon to the local market. If the market wasn’t close, canned goods were the only option.… Read more

Posted in Greenhouse Grown, Health, Life, Sustainability, Tomatoes | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments closed

Come on CEOs, Do Something Green. You Can Make Money at It.

Houweling's Solar Panels

In this day and age, not enough CEOs are giving thought to making their companies more environmentally friendly. Some, like Richard Branson (the Virgin Earth Challenge – see the YouTube video below) and Larry Page (Google Energy) are leading the way. Mr. Page has invested more than $200 million dollars in wind farms and solar power. If all goes well, Google’s investment in the construction of a solar power plant in California ( more

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